SEM1020 4 to 20mA Loop Booster

SEM1020 4 to 20mA Loop Booster

The SEM1020 is a loop isolator designed to provide extra drive capability from an existing current loop.  It requires power supply connections on both the input and output terminals. If true isolation is to be maintained, the two power supplies used must be fully isolated from each other.  The input circuitry only drops 2.7 V from the existing current loop and providing a 24 V isolated power supply is used on the output side, the isolator will drive up to 900 ohms.  The most common use for the SEM1020 is to provide extra drive capabilities from an existing (4 to 20) mA current loop.


  • Provides Extra Drive Capability From An Existing Current Loop
  • Only Requires 2.7 V From the Existing Loop
  • Galvanic Isolation
  • High Accuracy & High Reliability
Thumb File information
SEM1020 Data Sheet.pdf 186.79KB 0